Quito, Ecuador

Husband and I communicate well with each other. Except when we don’t.

When we checked into our Quito hotel room, the conversation went something like this:

Me: “Look! There’s a bunny!”

Husband: “I just noticed that. A little black one.”

Me: “He looks pretty big to me. Think I can pet it?”

Husband: “Er, sure. Pet it, juggle it, whatever.”

Me: “Juggle it? Who juggles bunnies?”

Husband: “I just meant I don’t think the bunny will care. In any event, it’s yours to do with what you want.”

Me: “What? The hotel isn’t giving us this bunny.”

Husband: “It says right here on the note they are.”

At this point we turn to stare at each other in bafflement…and realize while I am referring to the live black bunny in the garden of our suite, Husband is talking about the hand-carved black stone bunny accompanying the welcome note from the hotel manager.

As I said, great communicators…almost always.