How to stay safe

The chances of being caught up in a terrorist attack or natural disaster when traveling are slim. But if the situation arises, these 13 steps will help you stay safe. 1. Sign up with the State Department’s Smart Traveler Enrollment Program.STEP makes it easier for a...

Terrorized of travel?

Here are seven suggestions on how to put risk in perspective. Terrorist attacks remind us we live in a world where something bad can happen anywhere at any time. However, they shouldn’t be a reason to stop traveling, or to avoid huge swaths of the globe out of a...

Roadtripping to Mexico or Canada?

A passport card may be a good ID choice, especially if you don’t have a passport. Introduced in 2008, the passport card is a relatively inexpensive personal identification card that can be used in place of a passport or driver’s license at land and sea entry...