These unconventional travel tips might make your journey more interesting and a lot smoother!

The Power of “Dumb and Cheerful”
Ever found yourself in a sticky situation abroad? Be dumb and cheerful. Whether you’re facing a stern cop, a perplexed border guard, or unimpressed airline staff, a combination of innocence and positivity can work wonders. It’s a universal language that transcends cultural barriers! Being kind and explaining you didn’t know any better can get you farther than you think. Never be belligerent; cheerful always works better than aggressive.
Hack Your Flight Booking
Try booking your flight in the airline’s original language. I saved $700 on airfare to Uruguay by using Spanish instead of English. Just make sure you’ve got a good grasp of the language or a helpful friend (or Google translate) nearby.
The Magic of an Orange
If you encounter any unpleasant odors during your journey (I’m looking at you, tuna sandwich guy, on that Denver-Cancún flight), your trusty orange can act as a natural deodorizer.
Google Maps: Your Offline Savior
Before you head out, download the entire city map on Google Maps. This ensures you can navigate even when you’re offline. No more getting lost in winding alleys or unfamiliar streets!
The Unsung Hero: Your Hat
Never underestimate the power of a good hat. Here are some unconventional uses:
-Meeting point identifier when meeting strangers or tour groups
-Taking it off when talking to officials shows obedience and can smooth interactions
-Storage solution for keys, coins, and other small items at night
-Container for pocket items at security checkpoints
-Sun protection (obviously)
-Cooling device when soaked in water on a hot day
-Neck and ear cover when combined with a handkerchief
-Makeshift pillow when stuffed with a travel towel
-Placeholder for your spot in restaurants, etc.
Early Bird Gets the Shot
Want to capture stunning, people-free photos of your destination? Set that alarm clock! Waking up before dawn allows you to snap fantastic golden hour pics when the city is still sleeping. You can always head back to your lodging for a nap before lunch.
Hotel Hacks
When it comes to accommodations, remember:
-The best room in a cheaper hotel often beats a standard room in a pricier one.
-Location trumps luxury. A clean room within walking distance of attractions, public transport, and midnight snacks is better than fancy digs in the sticks.
-Always check if your shower has hot water as soon as you check in. You’ll thank yourself later when you’re not faced with a cold shower after a long day of exploring.
Hygiene on the Go
Grab a mini-sized bar soap or bath gel from your hotel and bring it with you when sightseeing. Public bathrooms, especially in international destinations, might not have hand soap. Wrap the soap in a small plastic baggie or a hotel shower cap for convenience.
Read Before You Go
Immerse yourself in your destination before you arrive. Read two books about the place: one fiction and one non-fiction. It’ll give you context and might even guide your interests once you’re there.
Timing is Everything
Consider traveling closer to the off-season. You might risk a bit of bad weather, but you’ll likely have a better overall experience with fewer crowds and lower prices.
Packing Tips for Long Flights
For long-haul flights in economy, pack:
-A lightweight down jacket with a hood (it’s like a portable sleeping bag)
-A good eye mask
-Disposable earplugs
-A neck pillow
-A mild sleeping pill (if appropriate for you)
Don’t forget the fanny pack/belt bag – it doesn’t count as a personal item and can hold all your essentials (phone, passport, external battery, charger, pen, wallet, etc.)
Quality Over Quantity
It’s better to spend more time in a few places than a little time in many places. This allows for a deeper, more meaningful travel experience.
When in Doubt, Find an Irish Pub
Lost in a non-English speaking city? Head to the nearest Irish pub. They’re usually staffed by friendly English speakers who can point you in the right direction (and offer a comforting pint).
Health Precautions
Wear your mask on the plane. Confined spaces are one of the most likely places to catch illnesses like Covid, flu, etc.
Who, Not Where
Who you travel with matters more than where you go. So choose your travel companions wisely!
Twist’s Take: These unconventional travel tips may help make your next trip better!